Roller Coaster Extravaganza

I did it. It was ugly.  I had my eyes closed the whole time.  At the end of the day, when we passed by it on the way out...I was shocked I did it.  I thought the Matterhorn ride at Disney a challenge.  It's not.  The name of the ride The Valravn.  Look it up on Utube if you dare!

After that one, I stuck to the milder rides...but milder is relative.  I hate to be a wimp but these rides are insane.  

Brian did not flinch a whisker.  John accompanied him on many but there were a few even he could not abide. 

Suffice to say, Brian loved it.  He had been chomping at the bit to go to Cedar Point.  He could barely control his excitement the day before. 

The next day we indulged in a day at the adjacent water park.  I happen to love these places though I find as the years progress they are an increasing ergonomic challenge---wrestling myself in and out of inner tubes is not always a pretty sight.  But is was an oasis of cool water.  Most of the trip has been surprisingly cool to chilly.  The heat caught up with us in Ohio. 

Another Great stop along the Loop--Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio.


  1. I loved those rides as a kid but now they make me ill just thinking about it. 20+ years ago I went to Orlando with some friends, stood in line for over an hour to ride Space Odessey (?) and then kept a death grip on the sides, held my breath, and prayed that I wouldn’t throw up for however long the ride took. It was awful and I haven’t been on any rides since then.


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