The Big Apple part 2
Well that was an interesting night! New York lives up to its reputation as the city that never sleeps. I concluded we weren't going to either.   The only anchorage in New York Harbor is next to Ellis Island. Between the ferries,  ships, barges, tour boats, packs of jet skiers, and a party barge boat anchor nearby, we shook our heads and laughed.  But the view...well that's was something.  Ellis Island right next to us. And the fantastic cityscape arrayed before us.
      We relocated just around the corner t

he next day to a very pricey marina but it was worth it--tranquil waters. It was adjacent to the ferries to Ellis Island the Statue of Liberty.
      The SOT up close is powerful.  Such extraordinary talent to convey strength and freedom in a sculpture.   Found my family surname, Sibold, in some hardcopy display records at Ellis, but need more time to really immerse in that.  Some sunburned noses, ferry hotdogs, lots of pictures made for a memorable day.


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